Monday, August 09, 2004

The Valley of the Green Glass Doors

I now introduce The Valley of the Green Glass Doors to this blog. For the uninitiated (who would be otherwise horribly confused), this is pretty much a word game. In this hypothetical "Valley", all things exist which have double letters in their names. Such as pizzas, or frisbees, trees, pools, and yellow. Nothing exists in the Valley that does not have a double letter in its name, like onions, or throwing, leaves, water, blue. So, what you do is you take something that does exist in the Valley, and something that does not, and put them into a comparison sentence. Like so:

In the Valley of the Green Glass Doors...
...there is pizza, but no onions.
...there are frisbees, but no throwing.
...there are trees, but no leaves.
...there are pools, but no water.
...there is yellow, but no blue.

I'm thinking for the sake of entertainment, I might just start adding a Valley of the Green Glass Doors entry to the end of my posts from hereon out.

- Iszi

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