Sunday, August 21, 2005

"A [vision], which misinterpreted may have been..."

Digging through my archives (a shallow dig, mind you) I noticed that my most recent post mentioned my preparation for my A+ Certification, and a vision of a new home for my family. Given that a lot has changed since then, I thought I should mention a couple things about that while I'm on here. (Yes, this could be another delaying tactic to keep me from that pile on the bed, but if I really cared I guess I wouldn't be doing this now, would I?)

I received my A+ Certification on March 1 this year. That day, I just decided I was fed up with running through these practise tests, and wanted to get the real thing done and over with. Two tests that were scheduled to take a total of three hours took me all of an hour and a half to run through. When I came out of the testing room from the second test, the instructor that came to print my test scores was astounded that I'd finished both tests already. (The instructor who handled the first test, and got me started on the second, had left for the day, and the instructor who checked me out from the second test originally presumed I'd just finished the first.) They were also quite surprised that both my test scores were over 150 points above the passing requirements (on a 100-900 scale).

Unfortunately, this has done little for me in the job market. My lack of related work experience, coupled with my transportation limits has effectively nullified the value of my certification in my job hunt. So, for the past (almost) six months, I've had this certification and gone nowhere with it. This has also dampened my motivation to study for the Network+ exam that I had originally planned on taking by the end of this year.

So, without a better job lining up soon, I'm left having to move back into my mom's house. Other contributing factors aside, this still leaves me wondering about the vision mentioned in my February post - the one about us being in a house of our own by the end of the year. While not entirely impossible, this has made it very much improbable. So, I took another look into that vision, and began to wonder if maybe I had just misread it. It is quite probable that I am meant to be at my mother's house this year. And, when I think about it, I can't imagine too many other places that I could be, and truly feel "at home" in by this Christmas. Maybe this is the way it is supposed to turn out, or maybe I could be wrong still. Only time will tell.

Speaking of time, It's now almost 0530, and my wife is supposed to pick me up at 1200 to go back to my mom's house for more moving work. So, I should go and clear off that bed if I want any chance at a nap.

Good night.

- Iszi

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